Wednesday, May 28, 2008


No idea how to do this blog

Well I'm starting my very first blog! I've only seen 3 total; 1 is my friend Bonnie who is totally creative, artistic and has way too much talent, #2 is another friend Lisa who by seeing her home and her cute blog page is also VERY creative, and #3 my sis whom has a pretty plain page but some really FUNNY titles and blogs so lets just say I'm a LITTLE intimidated! So those of you that look at this and have pitty for me, drop me a note or 2 with some suggestions........okay :-)
Today has been a typical boring day at the Dutton house, a house that DESPERATELY needs cleaning (but I just can't fing the motivation) and kids that are already bored out of there minds because school is out! What the heck it's only been like a week!!!! Well we did have one new interesting thing happen today, Kye decided he was ready to "move out" and after he let me know how much he didn't like me because I made him clean his room "and that's just mean!" and a few other choice words that my dear little 4 year old son said, well I was ready for him to move out too! LOL So after Auntie denied him living at her home and g-ma following with the same result he decided "I guess I'll just live at the park" now mind you he has no shirt on and a back pack full of "necessary things" and he was ready to go. He was packed up with his stuffed animals tied to the side of his bike and he was ready to go. He looked like Dennis the Menace on the movie LOL! I told him we would try one more place, grandma-ma's and to his surprise g-ma-ma agreed to take the little wayward in! We dropped him off and decided to go for a small ride around town and low and behold guess who called g-ma-ma, Kye wanted to go back to moms had only been like maybe 15 min tops! So we picked him up and found that he needed to use the bathroom and wasn't going to "poop" at g-ma-ma's anyway longer story short he decided home wasn't so bad. LOL